
Sunday, 31 July 2011

Nyssa's guide on how to do: Healthy Apple Treat (is super quick to make)

Ingredients: 1 large apple, 1/4 cup peanut butter, 1 tablespoon of honey, 3 spoon fulls of your favourite dried fruit (optional), and granola.

1. Core the apple with an apple core of a sharp knife.
2. In a (small) bowl, combine the peanut butter, honey, and the dried fruit (raisins work well)
3. Stuff the mixture into the cored apple.
4. Sprinkle the granola on the top.

Tada! Super quick, super easy, super simple, and best of all, super tasty ;)
Thanks for reading!

UPDATE: Sorry for the *terrifyingly* bad spelling! I'll start editing my work from now on, :)

All copyright for this recipe go to Activity @

Saturday, 23 July 2011

School uniform and what I think of them

School uniform. Two seemingly regular words. But what images flash into your mind when you think of them? Do you think of smart children walking in a neat pristine line? Or dull grewy skies, where children 'play' on the schoolground, in dull clothes to match the weather? For me I think of disipline. Pro? White and black clothing only. Con.
But I've only just scratched the surface.......

School uniform: Pros
Can disipline children.
2.There is (supposed to be) no diffrence to what the wealthy and er....not so wealthy wear.
3. It leaves children to think more of their work than what they're wearing.

Now for the easy part. Let me warn you beforehand, that I am a firm disbeliever in school uniforms.

School uniform: Cons

1.There isn't any individuality at all, all you have are black bottoms, white tops, grey sweaters.

2. You can't really express yourself in uniform. You can't wear an anti-rasicm t-shirt to school, and if you want to show how much you love a certain hue of red, and you want to show your friends what you mean, I know it's a very small limitation, but there still is dissapoitment

3. It can actually make students feel kinda 'blue' (grey more like) and it makes school a less colourful place to be.

4.This kinda adds to the individualitism, but it can kinda open up a world of people, in a way. There may be the kids with t-shirts with expressive quotes, the kids who always wear their favourite sneakers, the kids who wear bright colours and wear homemade accesories, but that's the kids who don't wear uniforms. The kids who do sit on the step thinking about them and wish they were in their situation.

These are just a few of my reasons. There was a poll with me and some friends over the internet and here are the results so far:

20.29% Wear uniforms and like them,
28.99% Wear uniforms and do not like them,
1.45% Have strict dress codes and like it
10.14% Have strict dress code and dislike it
24.64% Have standard dress code and like them,
2.90% Have standard dress code and dislike it
And 11.59% are homeschooled.

I enjoy writing about this topic, s I think I might continue, but now it is my duty to go get lunch! :3

Thanks for reading! :D

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Scrapbooking and Whoppers, and a video

In the last couple months I have taken up scrapbooking. I don't know why, but I get some strange thrill from cutting out pictures I like, but the problem is that I don't have any scrapbooking paper (which I will buy soon) to stick the pictures in. I am also making a collage from US candy wrappers :) it's fun!
Most of my pictures come from hair magazines, and maybe a couple from some others. I am so strang,e I hate cutting close to the edges, but if I can cut as close or as far as I want, it suddenly becomes really fun....?

We're hunting for a recipie with Whopper (chocolate malt balls) in them, but no luck. Even when I just searched 'Chocolate malt balls', or plain 'malt balls', all I got were to recipies with hocolate malt powder, so we'll keep searching. Or just eat them :) Maybe Whopper cookies? That would be freaky, but it's exciting - well, as exciting as making cookies can be. The exciting part is eating them. I have such a hard time not eating the whole batch of cookie dough (even though there are eggs), so at some point I'm just goint to make plain eggless cookie dough to snack on :)

And here is the video, as promised.  Never is a Promise, it's my favourite Fiona Apple song <3 A real 'classic' too!

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Must have.....Internet candy! (with unrelated video)

So I was eating lunch, and we had something super special....four whole triscuts! -sigh-, Internet candy is getting a whole lot more expensive. £/$1.23 for a pack of my beloved Jolly Ranchers? £2.42 for Cookie dough bites? That's more than I get per week! 4 and a half dollars....for some poptarts!? That's crazy! Do you pay 3;29 for marshmallow fluff?  Wow, there's rasberry and strawberry kind! That sounds interesting.
Anyway, I was eating linch and mom had recently done one of her maaggicccaaallll Cybercandy  orders, so we had an open box of Triscuts. As this is really,really rare, I asked if I could have a handfull. I had forgotten how amazing they were until I was sitting at the living room table, crying while eating.....Fake tofu fish sticks?:P
And we also had some Jolly Rancher 'screaming sours', which were essentially sour patch. Joseph has a new favourite food because of that, too. OhMyGosh....they have...they have....Resses peanutbutter cereal!? That is so amazing! I really have been missing out on stuff like this.  Rainbow twizzlers?
-sniff-, wow, there are some amazing products out there. The website has some really fun stuff, though. Oreo Icecream, I've always dreamed of the day it would really happen! Sorry, I'm just browsing through the website and writing at the same time. Wow, Swedish fish! I love sweedish fish! Lucky charms! I've never eaten them. Ever.  I just went to the bathroom, and when I just came back Joseph had lootttssss of food links. Lets see what they are, shall we?
1.Reeses crispy cups
2. A mario energy drink,
3. Mario star mints,
4.Zelda mints,
5.Jelly Belly 50 flavours box (he never changes, does he? ;) )
6. Sour Jelly bellies
7. And then I came back and we started looking at root beer. 
Hey, Wonka Toffee Apple bars! I remember they tried selling them here for a couple of months, and then stopped. Please stay for a cup of British tea! Wow, 2.80 for a lolipop with a big in it! Okay....I am definitely going to buy something with my allowance here, I must ;) Though there was another one that mom mentioned. It might be cheaper, so I'll ask about it. They...they....they have just plain (cereal) marshmallows, with no cereal at all? Wow, that's amazing. So, so amazing. A piece of art! It's so easy to talk for a long time about candy, but I'll try to put something in at the end :)
Or now. Here's a cute Fiona Apple video I like. Before I saw it, I thouht she's be lying on a hill at night, 'staring at the sky, just looking for a star' :

 It's wau easier to put videos on here, than on Wordpress. I tried on it a couple times....and failed. Well, I hope you enjoyed today's Random Story of The Day! ;)

p.s. I have decided that I will probably change my themes most days to go with how I'm feeling :)

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

A short post about a conversation Joseph and I had

I don't know why, but I promised to post about this.
 Joseph and I were making pb and j sanwiches, and I looked into the peanutbutter jar. We had gotten it only a couple days ago, and yet it was half gone (my fault ;) ).
Me: Oh, the peanutbutter's half empty.
Joseph: You may think so, but to me it's half full.
Such. An .Awesome thing to say!  There you go, optimism in a peanutbutter jar! :D It's raining reeeaaaalllyyy hard outside. My kid instinct it telling me to go outside and play in the mud. Maybe after this.

I was super-excited about the fishes (it's on the right sidebar). They are really awesome, and I love them! <3 Maybe it's because all the fish I've ever had always die really quickly..... It's probably my cats :P!

Hello everyone! :)

Hey everybody! Welcome to my new and improved blog, Coffee Kid! Last night I was searching really hard for name ideas, because I'm terrible at the kinda thing. Here are some I came up with before Coffee Kid hit me:

Red and Black, 
Everything is There,
Green and Red 
WDPL: Writing. Drawing. People. Life,
TooMany______ (blank)
Not Enough Cookies
No Yucky Soup Samurais allowed!
Nothing you Super Samurai Animal
Paint, Pencil, Penicillin, 
I'll tell you when you're older (ITYWYO),
Glass Half full 

Then I went to bed, and I was hit by a wave of insomnia, and I was trying to sleep when it hit me: The Coffee Kid! I rushed out of bed to write it down.  I decided to use it because 1. It's easy to remember, 2. It's not immature or anything like that, 3. I won't suddenly hate it, like I did the name Nyssalove (I used it all the time up until I turned 10-ish), 4. Even though my personality changes, I have and always will like coffee, 5. It is original, and yet fresh, and 6: it's easy to form a site theme around it. It will change, I promise it will. And it won't be about coffee forever. There's some REALLY pretty ones I found on this website. If you have a blogger blog and you need some awesome themes to download, go here, and no where else. Go here if you have a Wordpress blog, but the themes are too boring for you. And go here if you want a reasonably simple theme for Blogger, and yet something attention grabbing and sweet (Warning: Is girly and quite simple for those who like a complicated flair).

I am prepared to spend quite a while experimenting with this, getting widgets up and running, making polls, changing columns, etc.

I hope you enjoy my new blog as much as I do, and thank you so much for reading! I'd be nothing without the inspiration I get from supporting family and friends, I really appreciate your kindness :D

Now lemme see everything this hoster can do! :D