
Saturday, 23 July 2011

School uniform and what I think of them

School uniform. Two seemingly regular words. But what images flash into your mind when you think of them? Do you think of smart children walking in a neat pristine line? Or dull grewy skies, where children 'play' on the schoolground, in dull clothes to match the weather? For me I think of disipline. Pro? White and black clothing only. Con.
But I've only just scratched the surface.......

School uniform: Pros
Can disipline children.
2.There is (supposed to be) no diffrence to what the wealthy and er....not so wealthy wear.
3. It leaves children to think more of their work than what they're wearing.

Now for the easy part. Let me warn you beforehand, that I am a firm disbeliever in school uniforms.

School uniform: Cons

1.There isn't any individuality at all, all you have are black bottoms, white tops, grey sweaters.

2. You can't really express yourself in uniform. You can't wear an anti-rasicm t-shirt to school, and if you want to show how much you love a certain hue of red, and you want to show your friends what you mean, I know it's a very small limitation, but there still is dissapoitment

3. It can actually make students feel kinda 'blue' (grey more like) and it makes school a less colourful place to be.

4.This kinda adds to the individualitism, but it can kinda open up a world of people, in a way. There may be the kids with t-shirts with expressive quotes, the kids who always wear their favourite sneakers, the kids who wear bright colours and wear homemade accesories, but that's the kids who don't wear uniforms. The kids who do sit on the step thinking about them and wish they were in their situation.

These are just a few of my reasons. There was a poll with me and some friends over the internet and here are the results so far:

20.29% Wear uniforms and like them,
28.99% Wear uniforms and do not like them,
1.45% Have strict dress codes and like it
10.14% Have strict dress code and dislike it
24.64% Have standard dress code and like them,
2.90% Have standard dress code and dislike it
And 11.59% are homeschooled.

I enjoy writing about this topic, s I think I might continue, but now it is my duty to go get lunch! :3

Thanks for reading! :D

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