
Saturday, 3 September 2011

The little things, and the big things too

Is it just me or do the little things make such the difference?
There are things that would be pretty sad to miss out on. Like the last bite of a waffle. Or a cookie. Or when ice cream turns into soup and you eat it up . If somebody took away your right to that, how would you feel?
For me there are lots of things that are just so nice, and yet so small and seemingly insignificant.
-Waking up  on a school day with a few more hours to sleep
--Sad songs on the radio
-People laughing at a joke I say
-When people smile at me
-Crying with happiness
-A new hat on a really cold day
-When your cold goes away and you can breathe
--laughing really hard with friends
-A warm drink on a cold day
-when people high five you
-getting into bed with clean sheets
-Getting a special smile just for you
-When people notice you're sad and cheer you up
-When people cheer you on when you're struggling
- Waking up and feeling refreshed
- Snuggling up with a book and a blanket on your couch
-Taking a really good picture on a camera
-Meeting someone new and automatically being friends with them
Those are just a few.
 I've decided to put some of those into pictures.  Some of these will be big things that I love anyway.
-Waffles. These ones are super mini, and a bite worth. That's like, 10 whole last bites! :)
 -Disney world at night. I just find it so startlingly beautiful, it fills my eyes with tears somehow.
Random little cute things. :3

Also, I'm going away to a adventure camp school tripimagig for a week, so if you send me any emails, I won't be able to reply. I'm leaving on Monday morning and getting back some time Friday.
See you then! :D

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