Eek! I'm so excited! Tomorrow Brave finally goes into theaters.
I have put a lot of effort into only watching the trailers, not the clips. Though somehow I already know about some witch and a big's like video telepathy!If you haven't already seen it, here's the trailer.
Okay, I DID watch this clip. But it was the only one! I swear!
I actually like this better than the trailer, though. :)
I truly suggest you go and see it. If you're one of my parents I even more strongly suggest you see it! :P
I have been waiting a long time to see this film, and now is a very exciting time because Brave is coming out and they have started releasing trailers and still clips from Monsters University. It's Pixar's first prequel and it is to Monsters Inc. There'll be more on that later.
And while I'm on the topic of videos I'll show you the super -cheesy mother and fathers day videos they created. Brave related too!
Here's the mothers day one....
And the fathers day one....It's hilarious how fathers day is apparently PG! I know they meant the movie, but it still cracked me up!
It has so far got a 78% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes and 7.6/10 on IMDB. I think it's cuz it's for a slightly narrower audience than some of the other movies. For example, I have a feeling less elderly people would go see it than they would for Up, or Wall-E. It's not because Brave is any more childish than the other films, it's just about the first impressions. First impressions say that it might just be a little kid fairytale, but it's actually has some strong points about mother-daughter relationships. As you can guess, the rebellious main character Merida and her restrictive mother don't get on too well.
About a year ago the film was predicted to be quite a dark fairy tale. Well, it isn't nearly as dark as expected. I'm not sure that Pixar is the kinda company that does dark movies. Save the dark for Tim Burton. No, what Pixar does is unleash the kid hiding in all of us. Luckily my inner kid isn't hiding anywhere. What 'chya see and read is what you get.
Well, I'll save the rest for later, after I've seen it. Maybe when it comes out on DVD.
On to Monsters University.
Yesterday was a good day for Pixar fans because the trailer for Monsters University came out. Keep in mind that Monsters Inc. came out over a decade ago. A lot has happened since then.
Here's the trailer! It's awesome. :)
It's made a stir in the realm of people like me.
I am going to show you the other goodies they have.
Here are some still clips and some concept art.
Got any gleww? :3
I just love that last one.
Here's the concept art. The last is my favorite.
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