
Friday 30 December 2011

Happy New Years Eve Eve!

Hey everyone! I hope 'chya all had the most epic Christmas you have ever had! I know I did!

My mom picked out some really gorgeous flowers for the table. By now the roses look kinda sad, but everything else is fine. I took a picture of the table on Christmas day so you can see it in all of its glory.
And below is my spectacular Christmas lunch. It contains Yorkshire puddings, Brussels sprouts, carrots, this totally mind blowing cranberry and cheese pie, stuffing, turkey with cranberry sauce I made (I got the picture to work too! :D), and of course gravy. We also had the pesto rolls I made and the cranberry sauce went into the pie.

Here's a picture of the cranberry sauce I made! It was super easy to make.
I thought it was like making jam, but no. It  used 250 grams of cranberries, 100 grams of sugar and 100ml of orange juice. Just warm up a little orange juice and some sugar (70% caster/superfine 30% light brown). Boil it and then put the cranberries in and simmer it until the cranberries are soft but they still have their shape. Let it cool, then put it in a jar and eat within a week.

A couple days ago we installed this great computer animation software called  Blender. It is, for one free. It is complicated but even if you're new to the computer animation world like me you should still try it, and they have some great tutorials to get you started.  I installed Blender 2.6 just 8 days after it was launched, so it doesn't have ALL the tutorials possible but they've got a few. 
It doesn't just do animation though.  There are projects you can do to make incredible realistic pieces of art. In a couple months when I get to know it better I am going to take on the project of making some balloons. 
I hope you don't read this and laugh and say: balloons? Balloons are so easy, why not just do it in 30 seconds right now? That it because the end picture looks really special.
Here's the end picture the tutorial guy came up with:

 I fell in love with it at first sight because it reminded me of Up. If you read one of my previous posts, I had mentioned that it was my favorite movie. In fact, this is the wallpaper for the desktop of the computer I'm writing on:

My brother hates it. :P We're having a kinda...battle of the desktop wallpaper. Joseph puts up space stuff and I put up Up and smiley stuff. Hehe.

Other handy Blender stuff:

Blend Swap. On this you can download models that other people have made. It's good for people who want to focus on animating people, but they don't have the skill to make up one them self, or even for beginners that want to animate people or whatever.

Blender Guru  This is for people who have figured out blender, know how it works and don't know what to do. I am yet to try any of the tutorials on the site (I want to do this one at some point).

Have a great start to 2012 and let's all have an epic year! :D

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